Location of current distribution file
Ingo Bormuth
2005-11-05 01:24:08 UTC
I just wrote an installation skript (ebuild) to include metaocaml to the
the gentoo linux distribution. Unfortunately the location of your
distribution files is not permanent. The newest file uses to live in
metaocaml.org/dist/ while older files are moved to metaocaml.org/dist/old/.

As our package manager automatically downloads and installes software
from original source code, we rely on permanent locations.

I kindly ask you to always have a copy of the newest version in the
/dist/old directory.

For your convenience find the following patch to mk_dist.bat which
copies the newest tar file to old and creates a symlink called
MetaOCaml-current.tar.gz in dist.

Thank you


--- mk_dist.bat 2005-11-05 02:05:52.857941000 +0100
+++ mk_dist.bat.new 2005-11-05 02:11:49.987941000 +0100
@@ -37,12 +37,15 @@
rm -rf $1
echo "--- Removed untared directory by current release name"

-mv MetaOCaml*.gz old
-echo "--- Moved last MetaOCaml*.gz to old"
gzip $1.tar
echo "--- Gzipped new tar"

+mv $1.tar.gz old
+echo "--- Move new tar to old, we will create symlink here"
+ln -s -f old/$1.tar.gz MetaOCaml-current.tar.gz
+echo "--- Symlink to current version"
echo ""
echo "Please remember to edit HISTORY file."
echo "Please remember to edit index.html file."
Ingo Bormuth, voicebox & telefax: +49-12125-10226517 '(~o-o~)'
public key 86326EC9, http://ibormuth.efil.de/contact ---ooO--(.)--Ooo---
Walid Taha
2005-11-14 22:43:39 UTC
Dear Ingo,

I'm delighted to hear of your plan to include MetaOCaml in the gentoo
distribution, and we would be very happy to help in whichever way.

It would be helpful for us to understand your requirements, so that we can
apply them to all the software products that we are planning to release in
the near future. In particular, would you like there to be 1) a
*-current.tar.gz file, 2) a directory which has all releases, and that you
can "ls", or 3) both 1 & 2?

Right now I've changed our script to always update the *-current file.
Let me know if there are other requirements so that we can implement them
(and document them).

Best regards,


On Sat, 5 Nov 2005, Ingo Bormuth wrote:

|I just wrote an installation skript (ebuild) to include metaocaml to the
|the gentoo linux distribution. Unfortunately the location of your
|distribution files is not permanent. The newest file uses to live in
|metaocaml.org/dist/ while older files are moved to metaocaml.org/dist/old/.
|As our package manager automatically downloads and installes software
|from original source code, we rely on permanent locations.
|I kindly ask you to always have a copy of the newest version in the
|/dist/old directory.
|For your convenience find the following patch to mk_dist.bat which
|copies the newest tar file to old and creates a symlink called
|MetaOCaml-current.tar.gz in dist.
|Thank you
| Ingo
|--- mk_dist.bat 2005-11-05 02:05:52.857941000 +0100
|+++ mk_dist.bat.new 2005-11-05 02:11:49.987941000 +0100
|@@ -37,12 +37,15 @@
| rm -rf $1
| echo "--- Removed untared directory by current release name"
|-mv MetaOCaml*.gz old
|-echo "--- Moved last MetaOCaml*.gz to old"
| gzip $1.tar
| echo "--- Gzipped new tar"
|+mv $1.tar.gz old
|+echo "--- Move new tar to old, we will create symlink here"
|+ln -s -f old/$1.tar.gz MetaOCaml-current.tar.gz
|+echo "--- Symlink to current version"
| echo ""
| echo "Please remember to edit HISTORY file."
| echo "Please remember to edit index.html file."
|Ingo Bormuth, voicebox & telefax: +49-12125-10226517 '(~o-o~)'
|public key 86326EC9, http://ibormuth.efil.de/contact ---ooO--(.)--Ooo---
|MetaOCaml-Hackers-L mailing list
Bardur Arantsson
2005-11-15 17:41:20 UTC
Post by Walid Taha
Dear Ingo,
I'm delighted to hear of your plan to include MetaOCaml in the gentoo
distribution, and we would be very happy to help in whichever way.
It would be helpful for us to understand your requirements, so that we can
apply them to all the software products that we are planning to release in
the near future. In particular, would you like there to be 1) a
*-current.tar.gz file, 2) a directory which has all releases, and that you
can "ls", or 3) both 1 & 2?
Obviously, I'm not the original poster, but I know how the Gentoo
package system works...

1) A *-current.tar.gz symlink is useless from the packaging perspective;
package build scripts always look for a specific version of the tarball
on the download site.

2) This is what is wanted; a stable download URL for all current and old
versions -- whether or not it is ls'able is immaterial, the key point is
that the download URL for a version never changes after it has been
released. This is most easily accomplished by also always putting the
latest version into the /old directory. (Or simply having all versions
available in the main directory with a *-current symlink to the latest

Bardur Arantsson

- Oh, Lisa, you and your stories. "Bart's a vampire, beer kills
brain cells". Now let's go back to that... building... thingie...
where our beds and TV... is.
Homer Simpson, 'The Simpsons'
Walid Taha
2005-11-15 18:56:48 UTC
Thanks Bardur. Ingo had actually clarified the issue in a private email.
I appreciate the prompt responce from both of you.


On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, Bardur Arantsson wrote:

|Walid Taha wrote:
|> Dear Ingo,
|> I'm delighted to hear of your plan to include MetaOCaml in the gentoo
|> distribution, and we would be very happy to help in whichever way.
|> It would be helpful for us to understand your requirements, so that we can
|> apply them to all the software products that we are planning to release in
|> the near future. In particular, would you like there to be 1) a
|> *-current.tar.gz file, 2) a directory which has all releases, and that you
|> can "ls", or 3) both 1 & 2?
|Obviously, I'm not the original poster, but I know how the Gentoo
|package system works...
|1) A *-current.tar.gz symlink is useless from the packaging perspective;
|package build scripts always look for a specific version of the tarball
|on the download site.
|2) This is what is wanted; a stable download URL for all current and old
|versions -- whether or not it is ls'able is immaterial, the key point is
|that the download URL for a version never changes after it has been
|released. This is most easily accomplished by also always putting the
|latest version into the /old directory. (Or simply having all versions
|available in the main directory with a *-current symlink to the latest
|Bardur Arantsson
|- Oh, Lisa, you and your stories. "Bart's a vampire, beer kills
|brain cells". Now let's go back to that... building... thingie...
|where our beds and TV... is.
| Homer Simpson, 'The Simpsons'
|MetaOCaml-Hackers-L mailing list
